Sunday, March 29, 2009

Grocery Shopping: Confessions of a Hungry Pregnant Woman

I took Rachael with me to Meijer last Saturday to get some groceries. I am supposed to be taking it easy, but with Rachael riding in the grocery cart and me walking at a glacial pace, I did OK and it felt nice to get out for a bit.

We made it through the produce section before I realized, with horror, that I was STARVING.

This is what ends up in the cart when you mix hungry pregnant woman + content toddler + big grocery store (even with shopping list in hand):

* Cinnamon bread (for toasting--one of my favs)
* Combos (cheddar cheese ones...)
* Rolos (you know, those carmel candies with the chocolate coating...)
* Pretzels (critical for heartburn management, so these were medicinal...)
* Ingredients to make homemade pizza (health food!)
* A can opener (I found this in our cart as I was checking out...Rachael added this. Glad I caught it before we bought it...)
* Chocolate chip cookie mix (over 300 chips per mix! Couldn't pass it up...)
* ...the rest of the stuff on the 'legit' list

Rachael and I ate the Combos while driving home. the time we got home, the Combos had taken the edge off the hunger enough for the rational, practical me to return and realize that I had a bag of cinnamon bread, Rolos, pizza sauce, cookie mix... Rachael proudly carried in the bag of contraband (probably thinking her can opener was inside as well) and demanded we make cookies immediately (over 300 chips!).

I made her eat a peanut butter sandwich first, which marked the end of that afternoon's irresponsible food frenzy. :-)

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love rolos and combos, although not together. ;)