Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Photo Shoot of the Smallest Baker

Smallest Baker had a little photo session yesterday and she, of course, insists that her pics be posted on the blog! Usually ultrasounds this late in a pregnancy aren't very fun, since the baby is really too big to fit in one frame, but we still managed to get some good pics to bring home. Super-fantastic: the ultrasound tech took a few extra minutes while baby was in a good position and took some 3D images! While the 3D ultrasound definitely has its drawbacks (such as, your baby has to be in perfect position to get any kind of discernible image), seeing a 'real' baby face was pretty sweet.

Here's a 3D image of Smallest Baker--she's using her placenta as a pillow here, with her arm tucked under her chin:

And here's a 'traditional' 2D profile shot--she's waving her hand in front of her face. HI EVERYONE!

We were surprised to hear that Little One is measuring two weeks ahead of her gestational age. She's about 3 lbs 9 oz now. Who knows? We could have caught her during a growth spurt. I'm not diabetic (just got my glucose test results back, in fact), so no blaming me for her size! She has probably just been putting on a lot of muscle from regularly using my bladder as a punching bag... ;-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The 3D pic is pretty cool looking!!!