Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Art and Baby Prep

My brother reminded me that I'd promised to post pics of Rachael's St. Paddy's Day art project...egad! Sorry for the delay! Here's the "mommy and me" project that Rachael and I did:

You might guess that Rachael didn't do much of this by herself...and you'd be right. Rachael painted the shamrock from the stencil provided, then I found my type-A self unable to let her "toddler-ize" the rest of the project. So Dave and Rach painted something else while I finished up the border of the plate. She had fun and didn't care if she was painting the plate or her paper plate...it was still a fun thing for us to do together.

In other news, we've been slowly excavating infant gear from the basement. First was the bassinet. Here's a pic of Rachael helping her daddy get the bassinet ready for Baby Sister:

I know I said this many times while pregnant with Rachael, but this time I really mean it: WHERE ARE WE GOING TO PUT ALL THIS BABY STUFF? Bassinet, swings, high chair, bouncy seat, pack n play...I need a 3000 sq ft house! But...it's cool. If one is going to have clutter, let it be baby clutter. :-) So worth it!

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