Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's rather frustrating when the temperatures hit the mid-40s during the week (everyone at work/school), then the weekend comes and it bearly reaches 15 degrees. Augh! Sub-freezing temps make for some LOOONNGG weekends with a two-year old...can't really go outside, can't really stay inside all day...

Anyway, this past Saturday we decided to take Rachael to a pottery place not far from home. It was nice--got all of us out of the house and gave us something fun to do! Here are some pics from our adventure--Rachael liked it but was VERY serious about the painting process!

I cannot wait to see what shade of brown this clay kitty turns out to be after the application of its many 'calico' layers.... ;-) I'll post pics of our projects after I pick them up next week!

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