Thursday, February 19, 2009

In The Home Stretch (Marks)

Next week officially starts new baby's third trimester. 12 weeks to go...

So far so good: my blood pressure isn't bad (especially un-medicated!), all of the recent tests I've had have come back normal (whew!), and baby is moving around ALL the time. When I was pregnant with Rachael I was put on bedrest at 32 weeks for hypertension, so I think I'll feel better once I cross that 32 week mark. The thought of bedrest again, well, makes my blood pressure rise. Ahh, irony--thou art a fickle wench.

Anyhoo, here are a few things that are different between this pregnancy and the last:

1) Being preggo in the winter is much more tolerable than being preggo in the summer
2) I enjoy not being swollen from summertime humidity
3) I am glad to not be sweating constantly because I cannot get the A/C to actually make my house feel like it's 60 degrees (Dave wore long sleeves inside in August)
4) It stinks a little bit not being able to go for walks outside.... but...
5) At least I'm not hot and I'm not swollen
6) Something that has nothing to do with weather: this baby is MUCH more active than Rachael ever was. 3am? Baby's wiggling. 3pm? Baby's wiggling. I wonder if this means she won't sleep when she's OUT of the womb, too....

In any case, I'm hopeful that I can make it all the way to 40 weeks this time without complications. I'm counting a lot of Enya and aromatherapy to keep me calm and in the neighborhood of 120/80.

Another fun stress reliever, of course, is this pretty girl! We took this before going to our friend Alex's first birthday party. How sweet is this?!

Wishing you all a pleasant, antihypertensive evening,
Kristine :-)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Such a cute picture of Rachael.