Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tummy Time is HARD!

Erin deals with troubling situations by whimpering...then just passing out. Light in her eyes? She sleeps. Too noisy? Sleep. Big Sister throwing queen-sized temper tantrum in car? Sleepy time. Oh, but 3am this morning? No sleep. It's a process...

Anyhoo, tummy time is not exempt from Erin's problem-solving strategy. We've been working on helping her strengthen her neck...she's still not holding up her head for more than 3 or 4 seconds at a time, so we've started Tummy Time Bootcamp.

Here's how Erin's responded to our Tough Love approach to neck strengthening:


Scrunching into sleepy-time pose:

And....we're out:

We may be holding her head up for her until she's in college at this point. ;-)

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