Sunday, March 2, 2008

Visit to the Easter Bunny

Rachael went to see the Easter Bunny this afternoon. This was more of an experiment than anything else....see if child goes insane at the sight of an eight-foot rabbit. She did really well, which confirmed our belief (and fear?) that Rachael has very little fear of strangers. It took some doing to get Rachael to stop staring at the bunny and look at the camera, but we ended up with this decent pic. She even gave Bunny a high-five before we left! I think David's folks, who came with us, were as surprised as we were over how relaxed Rach was during the whole "intro to being photographed on super-sized wildlife" experience. ;)

Maybe next Christmas we'll try a visit to Santa!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Cute picture - I'm impressed she was so calm! I think we'd have one calm one and one dramatic screamer!