She's not quite steady enough to break into a run yet....but it's true: Rachael walks. She prefers to crawl when she has a certain destination in mind (hey--it's just faster at this point!) but when she wants to show off or is in no hurry, she's becoming a pretty independent walker.
We were not really prepared for this walking business yet, so I'm slowly getting used to the increase in bumps and bruises. She hasn't nailed down the proper way to fall yet, so many of her walks still end up with her falling forward into furniture, toys, etc. Bruise central. I want to wrap her in bubble wrap until she's off the walking learning curve. :-)
Here are some action shots!
So this is what feet are REALLY for, eh?
Here I come!!
Hug from Daddy after the return trip
Way to go Rachael! Can't wait to see you walk in person!
WAY TO GO RACHEL!! Keep the feet moving and you will be driving your parents nuts in no time!!! Congrats and keep up the progress!!!!
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