Friday, June 29, 2007

Big Kitties!

Lately, Rachael has discovered that there are cool things to look at outside. She has seen birds, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, and even the occasional "kitty." This particular day, she looked out and saw what we can imagine her thinking of as "big kitties." Two male deer were standing on the deck, looking back at her.

We live in an very suburban city and in my 29 years of living in the city I have NEVER seen any deer. I've heard of an occasional deer getting caught in the below-grade expressway nearby, but I had never laid eyes on one near home. Sure, I've seen lots Up North, but that's different.

Rachael did not seem to think it strange at all for big kitties to be walking around outside on the deck. She seemed to file it away as just another animal that can be found walking across the deck.

Usually, the cats are the ones looking out the window and being entertained by the random wildlife. This day, all the activity happend during one of their numerous naps.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sickly Bakers

This has not been the healthiest week here at the Baker homestead. We are all rather snotty--literally. I have been voiceless for two days now, which pleases me none too much. Luckily Rachael is bouncing back the quickest of all of us, chipper and cheery today. :-)

Here's a cheery picture of Rachael in her new summer dress.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

I thought I'd kick of this blog on Father's day with a picture of my little girl and me. The picture is a month and a half old, but I think it fit the best.

Rachael somehow managed to do some shopping and got me a pocketwatch-style keychain with a spot to put a picture of her. She also had her Grandma Baker buy me a cute book that she would like me to read to her.

Rachael had lunch with Grandma & Grandpa Baker, and Uncle Rob and Aunt Sarah. She smiled and played the whole time. She visited with Aunt Jen and Uncle Jim yesterday and entertained them with lots of smiles and giggles.

After a quality power-nap, she continued practicing her newfound standing skills and wore her poor mother out. She pretty much stood and walked (with help) until she just could not stay awake one second longer. I think this pretty much the beginning of the end for Rachael sitting in one spot, playing with toys.

Look ma! One hand!