And next for our oldest daughter, who is now 27 months... I already know Rachael is an inquisitive, precious little explorer. She is learning manners now--she says "Tank you, momma, TANK you" when I bring her dinner or help her open her Mr. Potato Head box. She's able to better evaluate the needs of those around her--she knows that our kitty cats need GENTLE petting, not pounding, and if kitty runs away, that means kitty's afraid. She's gathering an appreciation for opposites ("Light on! Light off! Opa door! Close door!"). She now sleeps in a 'big girl' bed in her 'big girl' room, graciously vacating her nursery so we can re-stage it for an infant. It'll be interesting to see how she adjusts to her little sister in May--I'm sure it'll take some time, but she'll be great.
What an awesome job this is, raising little girls! Can't wait to see what they do next. :)