Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Getting Caught Up!

It's been quite a while since our last post--over a month! Time flies...I was out of town for work for a while (yuck) so no time for blogging...or much else! I'll stop whining now. ;-)

We're really looking forward to this weekend, since my brother and Jen are flying in on Saturday and will be staying with us until next Tuesday. Yay!

Anyhoo, here are photos of highlights from the past few weeks:

1) Rachael's New Sandbox

Crabby the Sandbox

Getting nice and sandy

2) Mother's Day! Rachael got me these cool TiVo slippers (and a cool new pair of earrings!)

3) More visits to Jungle Java in Ann Arbor (awesome indoor play place with a special section for kids under 3 years old. It's fabulous to take her someplace where I know she won't be trampled by kids twice her size.):

Hold on tight!

Climbing up to the slide

Woooo! Down I go!

4) Visit from Audrey and Alex!

Audrey and her lil boy

This baby is a lot lighter than mine (ok, he's also 16 months younger...)

No babies looking at the camera, but both relatively happy at the same moment...